How To Download YouTube Video To Android Phone

For you who like watching videos on YouTube, surely there is a desire to download and save them into your pnsel memory. Moreover, if video...

tips android
For you who like watching videos on YouTube, surely there is a desire to download and save them into your pnsel memory. Moreover, if video is your favorite clips. Unfortunately, not all phones can play YouTube videos directly. Because the standard video format used YouTube is Flash (. Flv). so it must use additional video player application.

But don't worry, for cell phone with supported video formats, could try an application called 'TubeX'. In addition to providing download facility -this application works optimally on an Android phone and PC- also provides a video player.

More values ​​that also offer from this application is the 'resume' ability to the download process. Also supported with multi-download feature. Then, for those of you who just want to download an audio clip (mp3), TubeX also offer the option of downloading the mp3 file (save as Mp3).

You can directly download the application by visiting the site After downloading, use the following steps:
  1. Open and run TubeX application
  2. Select the video you want to download, or you can also use the facilities 'search'
  3. Click on the download icon at the bottom of the display screen.
  4. Wait a few moments until the application is finished analyzing the video, and display the video format that can be downloaded.
  5. The download process will appear in the notification bar. To view downloaded, you can open the tab 'download'.
  6. Furthermore, to play the video clips, you'll just highlight a few moments until the video file notify 'player'. Or it could also be opened from the gallery in the 'TubeX' folder.


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